Dian Zuiatna


Background:One of the basic concepts of delivery care with sectio caesaria is early mobilization. Delay in
early mobilization after sectio caesaria can slow healing so it is at risk of experiencing complications due to
surgery. Based on the initial survey at Stella Maris Hospital, it was found that 80% of mothers felt very
afraid to carry out early mobilization. This study: aims to determine the relationship of patient motivation
with the implementation of early mobilization post sectio caesaria in RSIA Stella Maris Medan in 2019. This
type of research is cross sectional. The sample of this study was mothers after sectio caesaria taken by
accidental sampling technique of 35 people. Data were analyzed by conducting Chi-square analysis. The
results: showed that the mother's motivation variable had a significant relationship with the variable
implementation of early mobilization of mothers after sectio caesaria at a significant level of 0.011. Most
mothers are aware that mobilizing as early as possible will accelerate healing (intellectual motivation). Most
mothers also often do early mobilization because it is helped by the family (extrinsic motivation).
Conclusion: that there is a relationship of motivation with the implementation of early mobilization post
sectio caesaria in RSIA Stella Maris Medan in 2019. It is recommended to the RSIA Stella Maris Medan to
further improve support for patients in carrying out early mobilization after sectio caesaria; Early
mobilization is carried out in accordance with the procedure so that the wound healing process is normal.
Keywords: Motivation, Implementation of Post Sectio Caesaria Early Mobilization
Salah satu konsep dasar perawatan persalinan dengan sectio caesaria adalah mobilisasi dini.
Keterlambatan melakukan mobilisasi dini pasca sectio caesaria dapat memperlambat penyembuhan sehingga
beresiko mengalami komplikasi akibat operasi. Berdasakan survei awal di RSIA Stella Maris, diketahui
bahwa 80% ibu merasa sangat takut untuk melakukan mobilisasi dini. Tujuan: untuk mengetahui hubungan
motivasi pasien dengan pelaksanaan mobilisasi dini pasca sectio caesaria di RSIA Stella Maris Medan
Tahun 2019. Jenis penelitian adalah cross sectional. Sampel penelitian ini adalah ibu pasca sectio caesaria
yang diambil dengan teknik accidental sampling sebanyak 35 orang. Data dianalisis dengan melakukan uji
analisis Chi-square. Hasil: penelitian menunjukkan variabel motivasi ibu memiliki hubungan yang signifikan
dengan variabel pelaksanaan mobilisasi dini ibu pasca sectio caesaria pada taraf signifikan 0,011. Sebagian
besar ibu sadar bahwa melakukan mobilisasi sedini mungkin akan mempercepat penyembuhan (motivasi
intrisik). Sebagian besar ibu juga sering melakukan mobilisasi dini karena dibantu oleh keluarga (motivasi
ekstrinsik). Kesimpulan: bahwa ada hubungan motivasi dengan pelaksanaan mobilisasi dini pasca sectio
caesaria di RSIA Stella Maris Medan tahun 2019. Disarankan kepada pihak RSIA Stella Maris Medan agar
lebih meningkatkan dukungan kepada pasien dalam melaksanakan mobilisasi dini pasca sectio caesaria;
mobilisasi dini dilaksanakan sesuai dengan prosedur agar proses penyembuhan luka normal.
Kata Kunci : Motivasi, Pelaksanaan Mobilisasi Dini Pasca Sectio Caesaria


How to Cite
Dian Zuiatna. (2020). HUBUNGAN MOTIVASI PASIEN DENGAN PELAKSANAAN MOBILISASI DINI PASCA SECTIO CAESARIA DI RSIA STELLA MARIS MEDAN. Nursing Arts, 14(1), 13–21. Retrieved from https://jurnal.poltekkes-sorong.id/index.php/NA/article/view/16